McDonough School of Business
News Story

Summer Internship Spotlight: Jennifer Schoelwer (MBA’19), Nestle USA


Each year, our students spend their summers in Washington, D.C., across the nation, and around the world working in corporate, nonprofit, and government organizations. This month, we’re featuring Full-time MBA students with particularly interesting summer internships.

Jennifer Schoelwer (MBA’19)

Summer Marketing Associate, Nestlé USA
Arlington, Virginia

What are you doing this summer?

Nestlé is the world’s largest food producer and serves as an industry leader in almost every category. I am working in Nestlé USA’s Beverage Division on the Nesquik Team. Most of us remember Nesquik from childhood, but our consumer is actually much more diverse than that. Nesquik is loved by kids and adults alike, and I’m working on two projects to improve the communication of the brand’s many benefits and to grow our presence in small format stores.

How does Nestlé relate to your professional or personal interests?

I knew I wanted to be in a marketing role that exposed me to all the different factors that go into running a business. As a marketing summer associate, I am responsible for engaging with stakeholders across functions and incorporating their input into the brand’s short- and long-term strategies. In addition, Nestlé’s commitment to nutrition, health, and wellness appealed to me on a personal level.

How did you find the internship?

On-campus recruiting

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done so far this summer?

Food tasting and training with Nestlé’s director of culinary. Fresh-baked Toll House cookies every day at 2 p.m. and Chameleon Cold Brew on tap also are both pretty great benefits of working at Nestlé.

