Paul Almeida

Dean and William R Berkley Chair

Dean Paul Almeida

Introducing Dean Paul Almeida

Paul Almeida is dean and William R. Berkley Chair at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, where he champions a culture that inspires our community to do well and do good on a global scale. A member of the Georgetown community for more than 25 years as a professor of strategy and international business, Almeida has served Georgetown McDonough in a number of leadership positions, including most recently as deputy dean for executive education and innovation. 

During his tenure as dean, Almeida has focused on leveraging the school’s enduring advantages  — its unparalleled expertise at the intersection of business and global affairs and the values-based approach to education embedded in the university’s Jesuit tradition.  He also has built the school’s capabilities around fields of the future through new initiatives focused on AI, Analytics, and the Future of Work; the Business of Health; and the Business of Sustainability that call for our students, alumni, and faculty to find innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges by leveraging the ability of business to partner across industries.

He has overseen the growth and expansion of the school’s degree programs. Building upon the school’s expertise at the intersection of business and global affairs, McDonough now offers the Izmirlian B.S. in Business and Global Affairs (in partnership with the School of Foreign Service) and has expanded the top-ranked Executive MBA to Dubai, UAE. Additionally, the school has launched new specialized master’s programs, including the M.S. in Management, an online M.S. in Business Analytics, an interdisciplinary M.S. in Environment and Sustainability Management (with Georgetown’s Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and the Earth Commons Institute), and the M.S. in Global Real Assets (with the Steers Center for Global Real Estate).

Almeida’s research focuses on innovation, knowledge management, alliances, and informal collaborations across organizations and countries. He is interested in understanding how knowledge builds across people and organizations and how this affects performance. He has published in and served on the editorial boards of several leading journals. Almeida also previously was chair of the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management. He has received Georgetown’s Faculty Research Award and the Dean’s Service Award, as well as the Academy of Management’s (International Business) Outstanding Educator Award.

Almeida has taught students at all levels at Georgetown McDonough in the areas of strategy, international business, technology, and knowledge management. He has won the Joseph LeMoine Award for Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, the Best Professor Award for Executive Programs at Georgetown University, and is a seven-time winner of the Best Professor Award for Georgetown’s Executive MBA program.

Almeida received a Ph.D. in international business and strategy and an M.A. in applied economics and managerial science from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, a PGDM (MBA) from the Indian Institute of Management, and a B.E. in electrical engineering from the University of Poona, India. He and his wife also are the parents of two Georgetown graduates.

Contact the Dean

Invitations for the Dean’s Participation in Events

The Office of the Dean attempts to accommodate all invitations to Dean Paul Almeida that support the mission of the school and fit within the dean’s calendar. Please submit the form below to request the dean’s participation, and then call the Dean’s Office at (202) 687-3883 to discuss your event.

Dean’s Office Invitation Request Form

Contact Information

Dean Paul Almeida
Office of the Dean
Rafik B. Hariri Building, Suite 110
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057
(202) 687-3883

Chief of Staff:
Sarah Flores

Dean Almeida’s Research

Scholarly Contribution and Impact (as of July 2022)

Google Scholar – over 13,000 citations

Papers in Academic Journals and Scholarly Books

“Does separation hurt? The impact of premature termination of R&D alliances on knowledge
acquisition and innovation” Research Policy 49(6), July 2020, (with J. Hohberger and H. Kruger)

The Role of Relative Performance in Inter-Firm Mobility of Inventors,” Research Policy 46 (6) 2017: 1162-1174 (with F. DiLorenzo)

“The Influence of Ethnic Community Knowledge on Indian Inventor Innovativeness” Organization Science 26(1), 2015: 198–217 (with A. Phene and S. Li)

“The Direction of Firm Innovation: The Contrasting Roles of Strategic Alliances and IndividualScientific Collaborations” Research Policy 44 (8) 2015: 1473-1487 (with J. Hohberger)

“When Do Acquisitions Facilitate Technological Exploration and Exploitation?” Journal of Management 38 (3) 2012:753-783 (with A. Phene &  S. Tallman)

“A Behavioral Perspective on Inventors’ Mobility: The Case of Pharmaceutical Industry” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings August 2012 (with F. DiLorenzo)

“Managing Knowledge Within and Outside the MNC: A Managerial Perspective” In M. Andersson et. al. (eds.), Innovation and Growth: From R&D Strategies of Innovating Firms to Economy-wide Technological Change. Oxford University Press, 2012 (with A. Phene)

“Individual Scientific Collaborations and Firm-Level Innovation” Industrial and Corporate Change 20 (6) 2011: 1571-1599 (with J. Hoheberger & P. Parada)

“Informal Knowledge and Innovation” In M. Easterby-Smith and M. Lyles (eds.) Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge. John Wiley and Sons, 2011 (with J. Hoheberger & P. Parada)

“Innovation in Multinational Subsidiaries:  The Role of Knowledge Assimilation and Subsidiary Capabilities” Journal of International Business Studies, 39 (5) 2008: 901-919 (with A. Phene)

“Individual Collaborations, Strategic Alliances and Innovation: Insights from the Biotechnology Industry”  In Scott Shane (ed.), Handbook of  Technology and Innovation Management, John Wiley and Sons, 2008 (with J. Hoheberger & P. Parada)

“Subsidiaries and Knowledge Creation: Influence of the MNC and Host Country on Innovation” Strategic Management Journal, 25(8-9)  2004: 847-864 (with A. Phene)

“Conocimiento y Competitividad de las Multinacionales”(Knowledge and Competitiveness in the MNC) Estudios Empresariales  114 (1), 2004

“Overcoming Local Search Through Alliances and Mobility” Management Science 49 (6) 2003: 751-766 (with L. Rosenkopf)

“Learning-by-Hiring: When is Mobility More Likely to Facilitate Inter-Firm Knowledge Transfer?” Management Science,  49(4), 2003: 351 – 365 (with J. Song and G. Wu)

“How Do Firms Evolve?: The Patterns of Technological Evolution of Semiconductor Subsidiaries” International Business Review 12 (3), 2003: 349-367 (with A. Phene)

“Innovation and Knowledge Management: Scanning, Sourcing and Integration” In M. Easterby-Smith and M. Lyles (eds.) The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Blackwell, 2003 (with R. Grant and A. Phene)

“Startup Size and the Mechanisms of External Learning: Increasing Opportunity and Decreasing  Ability?” Research Policy 32 (2), 2003: 301-315. (with G. Dokko & L. Rosenkopf)

“Are Firms Superior to Alliances and Markets? An Empirical Test of Cross-Border Knowledge Building” Organization Science, 13(2) 2002:147 – 161 (with J. Song & R. Grant)

“Knowledge Acquisition Through Alliances: Opportunities and Challenges” The Blackwell Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management, 2002: 66-77, Blackwell (with R. Grant and A. Phene)

“Mobility of Engineers and Cross-Border Knowledge Building: The Technological Catching-up Case of Korean and Taiwanese Semiconductor Firms” in H. Chesbrough and R. Burgelman (eds.) Research in Technology and Innovation Management, 7, 2001:57-84 (with J. Song and G. Wu)

“Who’s Building on Whom? Overcoming Localization Biases Through Alliances and Mobility” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Washington DC, August 2001 (with L. Rosenkopf)

“Knowledge Transfer Through Alliances: The Role of Culture” In Karen Newman and Marty Gannon (eds.) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management 2000 Blackwell Press.

“Knowledge and the Multinational Enterprise,” In C. Millar, R.Grant, and C. Choi (eds.) International Business: Emerging Issues and Emerging Markets 2000 Macmillan, London (with R. Grant and J. Song)

“Localization of Knowledge and the Mobility of  Engineers in Regional Networks” Management Science, 45 (7) 1999: 905-917 (with B. Kogut)

“Semiconductor Start-ups and the Exploration of New Technological Territory” In Zoltan Acs (ed.)  Are Small Firms Important? 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers Netherlands.

“The Role of the International Corporations in Cross Border Knowledge Transfer” In M. Hitt and J. Ricarrd’s (eds.) Managing Strategically in an Interconnected World 1999 John Wiley and Sons, Sussex, England.

“The Exploration of Technological Diversity and Geographic Localization in Innovation: Start-up Firms in the Semiconductor Industry” Small Business Economics, 9(1) 1997:21-31 (with B. Kogut)

Reprinted in Bernard Yeung and Joanne Oxley (eds.), Structural Change, Industrial Location and Competitiveness, Kluwer Academic Publishing, The Netherlands.

Reprinted in Zoltan Acs (ed.), Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI.

“Knowledge Sourcing by Foreign Multinationals: Patent Citation Analysis in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry” Strategic Management Journal, 17(2) 1996:155-165

Reprinted in John Cantwell (ed.), Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Change, Globalization of the World Economy Series (editor Mark Casson), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

“Learning and Contributing: Patent Citation Analysis of Foreign Multinationals in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 1996: 363-376

Papers Under Review

“Aspirations, Performance, and Changes in Partnering Behavior: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry 1990 – 2006” R&R Research Policy (with F. Di Lorenzo)

“Geographic Diversity of Innovation Inputs and Innovation Quality” R&R Global Strategy Journal (with Jan Hohberger)

Dean Almeida in the News

Dean in the News

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