Alumni Facts and Figures
Global Alumni Network
29,260Georgetown McDonough alumni in North America & Canada
454Georgetown McDonough alumni in Latin America
738Georgetown McDonough alumni in Europe
307Georgetown McDonough alumni in Middle East & Africa
56Georgetown McDonough alumni in Australia & Pacific Islands
859Georgetown McDonough alumni in Asia
Top Cities Where Our Alumni Live
(1) New York, N.Y.
(2) Washington, D.C.
(3) San Francisco, C.A.
(4) Chicago, I.L.
(5) Boston, M.A.
Alumni by Program
- Undergraduate Alumni: 17,100+
- MBA: 9,388
- EMBA: 1,091
- EML: 658
- MSF: 479
- MA-IBP: 133
- MSBA: 100
- MiM: 95
- Total Graduate Alumni: 11,500
Top McDonough Industries
(1) Consulting
(2) Entrepreneurship
(3) Financial Services
(4) Healthcare
(5) Non-Profit/Government
(6) Technology
Top Employers
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Booz Allen Hamilton
- Citi
- Credit Suisse
- Deloitte
- Ernst & Young
- Goldman Sachs & Co.
- World Bank Co.
- JP Morgan Chase
- Morgan Stanley
Employment Reports
View employments reports from our most recent graduates to see employment and internship statistics.