McDonough School of Business
News Story

MBAs Help Undergraduates Prepare for Consulting Job Interviews

Two student clubs at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business recently collaborated to provide MBA assistance to undergraduate students and to better connect the two organizations. The undergraduate Management Consulting Society and the MBA Consulting Club met in September to conduct mock case interviews to better prepare the undergraduates for job interviews.

This is the second year the undergraduate and MBA clubs have collaborated. The idea was initially spearheaded by the undergraduate consulting club, which wanted to provide hands-on experience for students and simulate real consulting interviews.

Ben Regan (MBA’18) was interested in assisting fellow Georgetown students with interviews they would have the following week. “Many of our club members were either in the consulting profession prior to school or recently finished summer internships at consulting firms,” Regan said. “Because we previously have gone through the consulting interview process, we felt we would be able to add value for undergraduates who are interviewing at firms for the first time.”

From the undergraduates’ perspective, the September collaboration was a valuable educational experience.

“It was really eye-opening for the undergraduates to practice in a setting that more accurately represented an actual interview,” said Danielle Deiotte (B’19), who helped organize the event on behalf of the undergraduate club.

“Having the added pressure of talking through the case with someone else adds a new dimension to case preparation. The MBA students were invaluable for guiding the case interview and giving helpful feedback.”

Undergraduate Program