McDonough School of Business
News Story

Georgetown Named #12 Among U.S. Business Schools

The Financial Times has named Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business #12 in the United States and #15 in North America in a new ranking issued today.

“At the McDonough School of Business, our distinctiveness, continual exploration, and innovation will continue to drive us forward. We utilize our location in the global capital of Washington, D.C., the interdisciplinary expertise Georgetown University has built its reputation upon, and our commitment to Jesuit values to provide an experience no other business school can match,” said Paul Almeida, dean and William R. Berkley Chair. “We are proud to be recognized for excellence across multiple programs by the Financial Times.”

The ranking is a composite of the FT’s individual program area rankings. Georgetown McDonough’s overall rank is derived from its MBA, EMBA, and Executive Custom Program rankings.


Custom Programs
Executive Master's in Leadership
Executive MBA
Global Executive MBA
Undergraduate Program