McDonough School of Business
News Story

Georgetown MBAs Support Local Community During COVID-19 Pandemic

Georgetown McDonough MBA students are continuing their commitment to the community and the university’s mission of service to others by participating in volunteer programs, supporting charities with donations, and assisting with other local events, even when they can’t leave their individual homes. 

The Bulldog cohort from the Flex MBA Class of 2022 previously had planned to volunteer at the Capital Area Food Bank, but the in-person service event was cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead, the cohort decided to host a virtual fundraiser to raise money for the organization. 

“Seeing fellow students step up during times of uncertainty and deliver on our Georgetown values was so meaningful to all of us,” said Yasi Akbari (MBA’22). 

The students helped raise $1,600 in two hours — and more than $2,500 so far — and they are continuing to invite fellow students and members of the community to donate to the food bank. Each dollar contributed results in more than two meals per person. The ultimate goal is to raise $20,000, or 50,000 meals.

Meiling Kry (MBA’21), vice president of community for the MBA program’s Student Government Association, said student interest in service opportunities is higher than ever. The association has encouraged classmates to donate to Georgetown’s COVID-19 crisis response fund for students, as well as to service industry workers through a D.C. virtual tip jar. 

Kry highlights upcoming opportunities in a weekly newsletter and has worked to broaden ways students can help the local community beyond financial donations. For example, students can volunteer with Meals on Wheels or  provide virtual skills training to low-income residents with Right Here at Home. 

Other MBA students are finding their own ways to exemplify Georgetown’s Jesuit values. Luis Garzon-Negreiros (MBA’20) says that he stands ready to help other Hoyas in quarantine who may be unable to obtain groceries or supplies. 

“My hope is that not even COVID-19 will extinguish the ideal of being women and men for others,” he said. 
