McDonough School of Business
News Story

The McDonough Undergraduate Research Journal Debuts

The McDonough Undergraduate Research Journal (MURJ) will make its debut in April, 2016.  The main purpose of the journal is to provide an outlet for exceptional undergraduate research that has been conducted in collaboration with a Georgetown faculty member during participation in the McDonough Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) Program. The journal offers undergraduates the chance to share their scholarship with a broader, university-wide, audience.
By publishing student scholarly work in diverse business areas, the journal contributes to our broader university intellectual community. In doing so, we seek to demonstrate the strength of undergraduate scholarship at Georgetown University, and to motivate future research.  In addition, the journal provides students the opportunity to hone their writing skills by reviewing, editing, and publishing articles under the direction of faculty guidance.

The first edition of the journal will feature the following articles, among others:

  • “A Historical Reading of China’s Foreign Exchange Reform and 1993 Currency Devaluation”; Siyu (Era) Qian, B’17
  • “The Changing Climate of Black Hair Care: Marketing to Natural Consumers”; Jasmin Joseph, B’17
  • “The Benefit of The Internationalization of Universities”; Sandra Waliczek, B’17