McDonough School of Business
News Story

Undergraduate Program Ranked 5th in the Nation by Poets & Quants

Poets & Quants announced today that Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business ranks fifth in its ranking of the best U.S. undergraduate business programs .

“It’s nice to know that the distinctiveness of our undergraduate program continues to be  recognized at such a high level. We have our renowned faculty, remarkable students, high-acheiving alumni, and dedicated advising deans to thank for being wonderful ambassadors of our brand on a global scale,” said Patricia Grant, senior associate dean for the Undergraduate Program. “Our focus on an adaptive curriculum, academic excellence, premier partnerships in Washington, D.C., and Jesuit values helps us stand out among our peer institutions. This is true in the rankings environment as well as in the employment realm, as evidenced by our high level of student and alumni achievement, which often outpaces other programs.”

Poets & Quants, a leading online publication for graduate and undergraduate business education news, equally weighted three categories in calculating the ranking: admissions standards, academic experience, and employment outcome data.

Poets & Quants launched the ranking in 2016 to fill the void left by Businessweek, which no longer produces an undergraduate business school ranking, and to supplement the U.S. News & World Report ranking, which is based solely on the opinions of deans and senior faculty members.

Undergraduate Program