KELLY BAKER has over 30 years of analytical consulting experience specializing in strategy, finance and marketing using advanced statistical analysis, including predictive modeling and data mining. To help clients use data to better run their businesses by engaging in projects like predicting member retention (WHO will stay) or developing financial models (WHAT will happen if…). She uses software tools like “R” (a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics), Power BI, @Risk Simulation (an add-in to Microsoft Excel that lets you analyze risk using Monte Carlo simulation), and Excel. She has in-depth experience leading analytics initiatives with large associations, such as AARP; financial institutions, such as American Express Financial Advisors; and large corporations, such as ADT Security Services, thus bringing great wisdom and insight to the projects she leads.
She has taught Business Statistics and Management Science at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business since 2008. Kelly has two degrees from the University of Virginia: a BA and an MBA from the Darden School.