McDonough School of Business

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930 Articles

In the News

3 Simple Ways to Spread Kindness in a Rude World

Then there are the Twitter wars and politicians shouting at one another on the news. You can also blame long work hours. “Sixty percent of employees say they act uncivilly…

August 14, 2017

In the News

Meet the New Global Trade Leader: The European Union

TTIP represented nearly half of the world’s GDP and, as Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce Michael Czinkota states, it was “the West’s last best opportunity to…

August 12, 2017

In the News

Making the Wait Worthwhile

An op-ed by John Cui, assistant professor: “Consumers spend a lot of time waiting in lines, incurring economic costs due to lost time as well as psychological costs such as…

August 11, 2017

In the News

New McDonald’s Set to Expand Faster in China

McDonald’s plan to almost double the number of stores in China by 2022 is a way for the company to commit to the mainland market without putting in its own capital according to…

August 9, 2017

In the News

Is There a Need to Worry About Amazon?

Professor Jose Guerrero-Cusumano explains why some executives are worried about the technology giant. For large companies, Amazon's diversification in different sectors of the…

August 8, 2017

In the News

Google Employee’s Memo Triggers Another Crisis for a Tech Industry Struggling to Diversify

“It needs senior level attention,” said Jeff Reid, a professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. “It means there’s no quick fix. You can’t say,…

August 7, 2017

In the News

On Healthcare, GOP Continues to Snatch Defeat from Jaws of Victory

An op-ed by Jim Angel, finance professor: “It is no surprise that yet another attempt to ‘repeal and replace’ or maybe just ‘repeal’ or maybe just ‘pass something so…

August 4, 2017

In the News

Has the German emissions scandal affected US consumers?

In Germany, many consumers have been shocked by allegations of widespread emissions cheating. But in the United States, there is little awareness of events unfolding within…

August 2, 2017

In the News

Retail Investors Wait This Long to Dive Into IPOs

It’s hard for retail investors to get a slice of an IPO in the offering, as underwriters typically allocate only about 25% of the shares to retail, with the rest going to…

July 30, 2017

In the News

Half Your Staff Feels Disrespected

“Being treated with respect was more important to employees than recognition and appreciation, communicating an inspiring vision, providing useful feedback—or even…

July 24, 2017