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Summer Internship Spotlight: Matabe Akoachere (MSF’20), Voya

Matabe Akoachere (MSF'20)

Each year, our students spend their summers in Washington, D.C., across the nation, and around the world working in corporate, nonprofit, and government organizations. Meet a few of our graduate and undergraduate students in this summer’s Internship Spotlight Series.

Matabe Akoachere (MSF’20)

Financial Analyst Intern, Voya
Atlanta, GA

What are you doing this summer?

This summer I had the pleasure of working as a financial analyst intern. This consisted of being a team-player and assisting Voya to successfully meet demanding quarter end deadlines.

How does your internship relate to your professional or personal interests?

Understanding how the Financial Planning and Analysis Group (FP&A), Valuation, and Finance Controllership team collectively work together to achieve a smooth quarter end has been a rewarding and valuable experience that will be useful for me throughout my career in finance. On a personal basis, Voya cares about helping people retire better and make more wise and informed financial decisions. This resonates with my values and interest in using finance to positively impact people’s lives.

How did you find the internship?

I was constantly looking for new and elevating opportunities through Georgetown career services, Handshake and LinkedIn. I came across this internship on LinkedIn.

What’s the most interesting or impactful aspect of your internship?

The summer internship program included lunch-and-learn sessions, a chance for interns to interact with senior executive leaders, face-to-face or via a video conference was the most impacful and interesting! Voya has humble and charismatic leaders with a great sense of purpose, who took their time to give us genuine advice pertaining to our future. My greatest takeaway was from Voya’s executive vice president and chief HR officer, who emphasized the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who will help us grow. You don’t necessarily need to go through undesirable experiences or “touch the hot pots.” Instead, learn from people who already touched those “hot pots.” Last but not least, be willing to do more than what you are paid for because that is where you find true fulfillment in life. He offered such great advice!

Any advice for other finance students?

Do not follow the crowd, follow your purpose and be ready to take on challenges and explore the unknown. This can help you reach your ultimate goal.

What else should we know?

I met great and inspirational people at Voya, and I’m humbled and thankful for the opportunity.

M.S. in Finance