McDonough School of Business

Learn more: Center for Business and Public Policy

51 Articles

In the News

Biden’s First 100 Days: What Will He Actually Get Done?

Biden has also set up his White House staff to handle the logistics around vaccine administration and other pandemic mitigation efforts, said Rob Shapiro, founder of economic…

January 12, 2021

In the News

Cisco Vows to Go to Court After Acacia Tries to Cancel $2.6 Billion Merger

“Companies try to get out of mergers all the time and it usually has nothing to do with the thing they cite as the reason for getting out of it,” said Larry Downes, project…

January 8, 2021

In the News

Trump is Wrong Again: U.S. Manufacturing is Not Recovering

An op-ed by Robert Shapiro, a senior fellow at the Center for Business and Public Policy at Georgetown McDonough: The headline from the Commerce Department’s new report on the…

July 28, 2020

In the News

Report: U.S. Networks Outperform Europe’s During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Center for Business and Public Policy at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business released a paper detailing how broadband networks held up under the bandwidth…

June 22, 2020

In the News

Why Were the Unemployment Numbers So Messed Up?

“There is good reason to be skeptical of [the Trump] administration’s latest report,” said Robert J. Shapiro, chair of the consultancy Sonecon and a fellow at Georgetown…

June 8, 2020

In the News

T-Mobile Joins the Ranks of Major Carriers as Sprint Acquisition Closes

“I always thought it made a lot of sense,” said Larry Downes, project director for the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy. “Sprint was not a viable,…

April 1, 2020

In the News

Five Myths About Antitrust Law

An article by John Mayo, Elsa Carlson McDonough Chair of Business Administration, professor of economics, business and public policy and executive director, Center for Business…

March 20, 2020

In the News

Here’s Why Big Tech Is Winning the War Against the Government

“Some chaos is normal, [but I’ve] never seen an administration this unpredictable,” says Larry Downes, an author and fellow at the Georgetown University Center for Business…

February 16, 2020

News Story

MBA Certificate in Nonmarket Strategy Opens a Door into D.C. Resources at Intersection of Business, Public Policy

Through the Certificate in Nonmarket Strategy's "only in D.C." events, MBA students receive a deeper understanding of the ways in which business and leadership are shaped by…

December 17, 2019

In the News

Investors Flee ‘Trifecta Of Woe’ For Stocks

None of this really surprises Robert Shapiro, a senior fellow at the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy and the chairman of Sonecon, a Washington, D.C., economic…

October 2, 2019