Learn more: Alumni

119 Articles


Georgetown Alumni Gather in San Francisco to Explore the Future of Work and Entrepreneurship at John Carroll Weekend

Georgetown alumni and friends recently met in San Francisco, California, for John Carroll Weekend to explore the Bay Area, reconnect with fellow Hoyas, and participate in topical…

May 2, 2023


Lisa Mayr (MBA’98) on Helping Young Women Find a Voice in STEM Careers

After earning an MBA, Lisa Mayr (MBA’98) broke into the world of corporate finance. She has combined her passion for international development and working for a cause with…

March 22, 2023


Nishi Rawat (EMBA’19) on Integrating Her Passion for Medicine and Business Through OpenBeds Inc.

Nishi Rawat is a graduate of the McDonough School of Business Executive MBA (EMBA) class of 2019. Rawat was a practicing critical care physician and medical researcher at Johns…

March 21, 2023


May Chan (MBA’03) on Encouraging Women to Pursue Careers in Male-Dominated Industries

May Chan (MBA’03) grew up in Singapore before moving to Washington, D.C., to attend Georgetown. She has navigated the male-dominated world of investment banking at both…

March 16, 2023


Patricia Ann (Pritchard) Bianchi (B’63) on Paving the Way for Women Pursuing Business Education

Patricia Bianchi was one of the first 10 graduates of the business school. Like many of the early women, she commuted to campus. After graduation, Bianchi worked as a contractor…

March 16, 2023


MBA Alumni Create Crowdfunding Platform to Aid Disaster Victims and Families

Adrian Baker-Kang (MBA’22), Michael Pollinger (MBA’22), and Russell Tuchman (MBA’22) founded Rebuildee in January 2022, a platform that crowdfunds furnishings and…

March 16, 2023


Georgetown McDonough Alumni Around the World – Winter 2023

Georgetown McDonough celebrates a worldwide network of alumni as they explore, travel, and settle in global communities. Georgetown McDonough alumni are creating memories and…

March 2, 2023


Georgetown Alumnus Launches Coaching Startup With Georgetown Startup Accelerator

Tony Lin (C’14) co-founded Skye, an innovative platform that matches entrepreneurs and executives with personalized and experienced mentors who offer specialized coaching…

February 15, 2023


Jason Dodier (EMBA’19) Launches Sustainability Startup To Support Decarbonization

Driven by a passion for sustainability and guided by his entrepreneurial education, Jason Dodier (EMBA’19) co-founded GRAIN Ecosystem in January 2022. GRAIN Ecosystem aims to…

February 6, 2023


Alumni Relations Celebrates a Year of Engagement, Learning, and Connection in 2022

The mission of the Office of Alumni Relations is to engage our global and vibrant alumni community in meaningful ways, enable authentic relationships, innovate to meet the needs…

January 6, 2023