McDonough School of Business
Genevieve Bellaire (MBA/JD'15)

Pitch Deck: Welcome to the Realword With Genevieve Bellaire (MBA/JD’15)

Realworld is a first-of-its-kind, one-stop shop to navigate adulthood. We help the next generation onboard into life after school by simplifying and streamlining tasks across finances, health care, work, and life. Our personalized mobile app helps 20-somethings set up accounts, fill out paperwork, and learn about other “adulting” obligations. We’re working to help organize adulthood by reminding our members to pay rent, go to the dentist, and keep track of real-world things.

We initially worked with colleges to build a course that helped launch people into life after school, teaching about credit, debt, taxes, student loans, and more.

In 2020, we pivoted to build an app directly for our members that includes educational materials through action-oriented “playbooks.” We will continue to make our experience more personalized and integrated, and serve our members through other life moments.

This story was originally featured in the Georgetown Business Fall 2022 Magazine.

Georgetown Business Magazine
Georgetown Entrepreneurship