Rebecca Hull (MSBA'24) appreciated getting to know her peers in the MSBA program
Student Experience

Rebecca Hull (MSBA‘24) on Leadership and Innovation in Business Analytics

As the spring semester comes to a close, Georgetown McDonough is pleased to commemorate the accomplishments of the Class of 2024. This year’s graduating class demonstrated immense commitment, discipline, and determination to reach this milestone, and we are proud to recognize their achievements as they embark on their next chapter as Hoya alumni. To celebrate, we’re spotlighting several of the exceptional students in the Class of 2024 as they share their personal stories, reflect on their time on the Hilltop, and preview what the future holds after commencement.

Rebecca Hull (MSBA‘24) embodies the spirit of determination and innovation. With a background in mathematics and experience in the finance industry, Hull’s journey to Georgetown’s M.S. in Business Analytics (MSBA) program was fueled by a desire to merge her technical skills with her passion for business. Now, as she reflects on her time at Georgetown, Hull shares insights into her favorite memories, transformative lessons, and her career aspirations. 

Tell us about your background. What led you to the MSBA program?

Rebecca Hull (MSBA'24) came to Georgetown to merge her technical skills with her passion for business

Rebecca Hull (MSBA’24)

After completing my undergraduate degree in mathematics at Washington College, I ventured into the finance industry at Cambridge Associates in alternative asset data. In that role I explored using structured query language (SQL) to improve the quality of our data and deliverables. 

I enjoyed incorporating my love of math to bring value to my team and clients. This experience led me to investigate additional education that would help me succeed in business and engage my technical background. After joining my current firm, ImpactAssets, my responsibilities there in data management, systems implementation, and reporting further confirmed the MSBA was the right path for me. 

What is your favorite memory or proudest moment from your time at Georgetown McDonough?

My favorite memory was the second program residency week. Free from the stress of the initial adjustment period, I was able to fully appreciate my time with my peers and professors. It was a week filled with both laughter and profound learning experiences.

What was your favorite course or experience while in the MSBA program?

My favorite course was Predictive Analytics. In that course many of the concepts from the program started to intertwine, and we engaged in interesting analytics questions. 

What is one of the most important lessons you have learned while at Georgetown?

In each course, the importance of understanding the true problem that was being addressed was key before jumping into the solution. As someone who loves data, it can be easy to want to get started on the technical execution right away; however, even if you end up with an amazing model or product, if it doesn’t address the client’s needs you’ve fallen short. 

Is there a particular person in the Georgetown community that has been instrumental to your success?

Babak Zafari played a pivotal role in my journey. He is an excellent instructor and a wonderful person. He provided all the students with encouragement and support throughout the program. 

What are your post-graduate plans?

Mid-way through the MSBA program, I initiated discussions with my manager at ImpactAssets (IA) about aligning my role with my newfound skills. I expressed that I loved the mission, culture of the organization, and my team; I wanted to stay at ImpactAssets and add value to the organization through the skills I was learning in the MSBA program. Given the reputation I had built at IA, the executive leadership expressed their desire to keep me on the team and asked that I create my ideal job description. 

I proposed the creation of a Data Analysis and Reporting department, that I would lead, which would centralize the reporting needs of the firm and be the knowledge center for our data, systems, and technical execution. The leadership team saw the value in this structure, and I started my new role in December. The relationships built on respect and trust I had developed with my colleagues and the IA leadership team allowed me to be patient throughout the nine-month process.

What advice would you give to the next cohort of MSBA students?

Play to your strengths and work smarter, not harder. Juggling a demanding job, personal commitments, and a master’s program can be overwhelming. Make sure to use all the resources available to you and plan ahead.

Class of 2024
M.S. in Business Analytics