McDonough School of Business
Student Experience

Meet the Class of 2021: Sherrie Hughes (MBA’21)

Sherrie Hughes (MBA’21)
Hometown: Saranac, Michigan

What are your post-graduate plans?

Having a baby (he’s due in August!) and continuing to work as I’m an evening/Flex student.

What is your favorite memory or proudest moment from your time at Georgetown?

My proudest moment was as a Leadership Fellow, and seeing my Leadership Communications teams grow throughout the semester and perform at the Executive Challenge.

What is one of the most important lessons you have learned while at Georgetown?

Success always takes help. Failure is done alone.

Is there a particular person that helped shape your Georgetown experience?

Laura Erickson!

What was your favorite class?

Coaching High Performing Teams.

What are you most looking forward to as an alumna?

I’m looking forward to helping new students!

Anything else you’d like to share about your story?

During my time at Georgetown I got married, became a Warrant Officer, and am now having our first little one!

Class of 2021