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181 Articles

News Story

The Fintech Frontier

Where finance and technology converge, you’ll find disruption, innovation, opportunity — and.…

November 2, 2017

News Story

Twelve New Faculty Join Georgetown McDonough

This year Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business welcomed four new tenured and tenure-track faculty members, as well as eight visiting faculty members,…

September 20, 2017

In the News

Why Lottery Winners Make Dangerous Neighbors

Why the negative ripple effect? When people win the lottery, they often spend some of the money on envy-inducing goodies like new cars, boats, and supersized TVs. Researchers say…

August 18, 2017

In the News

On Healthcare, GOP Continues to Snatch Defeat from Jaws of Victory

An op-ed by Jim Angel, finance professor: “It is no surprise that yet another attempt to ‘repeal and replace’ or maybe just ‘repeal’ or maybe just ‘pass something so…

August 4, 2017

In the News

Retail Investors Wait This Long to Dive Into IPOs

It’s hard for retail investors to get a slice of an IPO in the offering, as underwriters typically allocate only about 25% of the shares to retail, with the rest going to…

July 30, 2017

In the News

They’re The World’s Fastest Traders. Why Aren’t They Thriving?

High-frequency traders want “a Goldilocks market with just the right amount of volatility,” said Jim Angel, a professor at Georgetown University in Washington. “They don�…

July 13, 2017

News Story

MSF Program Ranked 2nd for Online Finance Programs

In a recent ranking by Best Choice Schools, the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business was named #2 for the best online…

July 10, 2017

News Story

Research Evolved

At age 60, Georgetown McDonough has a thriving business research enterprise. Faculty who helped shape that culture recall what it took to get here. By Melanie D.G. Kaplan…

July 10, 2017

In the News

Wall Street Wins Round in Fight With Exchanges Over Audit System

Much like setting rates for public utilities, “everyone makes the case that someone else should bear the cost,” said James Angel, a Georgetown University finance professor…

July 10, 2017

In the News

Famous Traders’ Trades and Why They Don’t Help the Rest of Us, The Herald-Tribune

In addition, a much-talked-about paper by R. David McLean of Georgetown University and Jeffrey Pontiff of Boston College pointed out that the effectiveness of stock market…

July 6, 2017