Georgetown McDonough Graduate Alumni Reunite on the Hilltop to Connect and Celebrate Accomplishments
Over 250 Georgetown McDonough alumni, family, and friends gathered over the weekend to celebrate the MBA, Executive MBA, Global Executive MBA, Corporate International Master’s in Business, Executive Master’s in Leadership, M.S. in Finance, M.A. in International Business and Policy, and M.S. in Accounting classes of 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 for the 2022 Graduate Alumni Reunion.
The weekend began on Friday afternoon with an alumni panel to discuss the topic, “Alumni Insights for Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience.” Evelyn Williams, teaching professor of management and academic advisor of the Master’s in Management program, moderated the conversation as alumni shared insights into how they built the resilience that enabled them to overcome career setbacks. The panel featured current student Audrey McClain (MBA’23) and alumni Jenn Norman (MBA’97), Jose Pinero (MBA’92), Nancy Krawczyk Priory (MBA’87), and Cindy Smith (MBA’87).
“We want to encourage all of you to have deeper conversations, and I look at this panel as one big kickoff to a very fun experience at reunion,” Williams said. “This weekend, we want to talk about those periods that have enriched your lives since you’ve left Georgetown, and by sharing those stories — enrich all of us.”

Later, Paul Almeida, dean and William R. Berkley Chair; Michael O’Leary, senior associate dean of graduate and executive degree programs; Allan Eberhart, senior associate dean of the M.S. in Finance program; and Rebecca Hamilton, senior associate dean of faculty affairs, shared remarks on the state of the school.
“You, as alumni, are key differentiators of Georgetown McDonough. You are examples of the Georgetown global network at its best,” O’Leary said.

To conclude the weekend, alumni celebrated the accomplishments of their peers at the 2022 Graduate Alumni Awards Dinner at the Embassy of France. Georgetown McDonough honored 10 alumni with awards for their career accomplishments and their commitment to the school since graduation.
The award winners include:
Grant Pickering (MBA’97), Dean’s Award. The Dean’s Award is presented to an alumnus renowned in their field and who exemplifies the characteristics of principled leadership and service to society.
John Bottimore (MBA’87) and Tara Scalia Quilty (MBA’97), MBA Alumni Advisory Council (MAAC) Award. The MAAC Award is presented to a MAAC member who has demonstrated exceptional service to Georgetown McDonough and exhibited high-level leadership within his or her organization.
David Allen Ammerman (MSF’17), Martin Doyle (MBA’02), and Jessica Grounds (EML’12), Magis Award. The Magis Award is presented to a graduate who has gone above and beyond for McDonough students and their community.

Jennifer Chisholm (MSF’17), M.S. in Finance (MSF) Award. The MSF Award is presented to a graduate excelling in their field and demonstrating commitment to Georgetown University and the McDonough School of Business.
Keihan Sedghi (EMBA’97) and Caroline Nielsen Decker (EMBA’16), Committee for Impactful Relationships for C-Level Executives (CIRCLE) Award. The CIRCLE Award is presented to a CIRCLE member who has demonstrated dedication to Georgetown McDonough’s executive degree program and their students.
Sherrie Hughes (MBA’21) and Miguel Cuunjieng (MBA’15), Alumni Engagement Award. The Alumni Engagement Award is presented to the most highly engaged alumni over the course of the past year.
MBA Class of 1997, Reunion Class Participation Award. The Reunion Class Participation Award is given to the class with the highest level of participation for alumni giving and donations.