McDonough School of Business

Pitch Deck: Smarter Cities

Drawing upon government and policy experience Brandon Kelley (EMBA’21) has set out to disrupt the municipal transportation space with the recent launch of Infra AI, a digital tool that aids local governments in managing their infrastructure assets and creating smarter cities.

Currently, most cities rely on disparate solutions to determine the state of their roads, bridges, tunnels, and other critical infrastructure. Infra AI is unique in the marketplace, delivering a packaged solution with a series of tools providing near real-time situational awareness of the physical world.

This cloud-based system permits municipalities to view their city in 360-degree imagery and provides the tools for trend analysis and budget planning. In looking toward the future, Kelley sees the possibilities globally as well. And, while Infra AI is piloted as a B2G project, Kelley points out he “can easily see this as a valuable B2B tool” for financiers or other asset managers with infrastructure projects.

This story was originally featured in the Georgetown Business Fall 2023 Magazine.

Georgetown Business Magazine