McDonough School of Business
Business and Global Affairs
Student Experience

MSF Students Present Business Solutions to International Clients in Global Consulting Project

Students in the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business recently completed their Global Consulting Project (GCP), a six-week capstone course that provides hands-on experience with international clients. This program bridges academic knowledge with real-world business challenges, allowing students to apply their skills across the world in a practical environment.

This year, students traveled to London, Madrid, Johannesburg, and Windhoek to conclude their projects with final presentations to their clients. They showcased their findings and recommendations, tackling a range of financial and strategic issues, such as integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into business processes, refining market positioning, and enhancing client engagement. The GCP, designed for second-year and accelerated-track students, involved collaborations with companies across 27 industries, including agriculture, accounting, finance, telecommunications, and healthcare.  

A team of MSF students collaborated with a major global bank to explore the integration of AI into their sales process. 

“We developed an AI model that helps enhance client engagement,” said Marlene Vollbrechthausen (MSF’24). “It matches client profiles with their value drivers, making initial connections more effective and building trust more efficiently.”

Another team also explored the trend of AI to create business solutions for a data provider for financial markets. The students’ focus was on understanding market trends and competitive dynamics to help refine their client’s positioning, grow its base, and create a strategic roadmap for scaling the company’s operations. 

“Our project involved a deep dive into the financial data industry,” said Jevone Jones (MSF’24), a student on the accelerated track. “We analyzed the competitive landscape, growth drives, and how our client can position itself to stay ahead in an increasingly AI-driven market.”

The students presented their findings to their clients.

Students concluded their projects with final presentations to their clients. They showcased their findings and recommendations.

The GCP also equipped students with essential skills to navigate the challenges and dynamics of global collaboration. By working closely with high-profile clients, students gained insights related to teamwork in diverse environments, networking, and  successful career-building in the industry.

“The GCP taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and managing diverse team dynamics,” said Olivia Vitale (MSF’24). “Coordinating with international clients and navigating different time zones were significant challenges that enhanced my leadership and communication abilities.”

Networking also played a relevant role for students. The opportunity to interact with industry professionals and clients expanded their professional connections. One team, for instance, conducted interviews with stakeholders and engaged with key competitors.

“The amazing thing about working with our client is that we had the opportunity to conduct stakeholder interviews and meet with customers and cross-functional stakeholders,” said Jones. “We’ve built relationships with big name companies and grown our network, which has been invaluable. It also helped us collaborate effectively by integrating diverse perspectives, even when team members came from different backgrounds.”

The practical experience of solving real-world problems for high-profile companies provides students with a competitive edge in the job market. According to the students, the transition from learning classroom theory to applying knowledge in real-world scenarios has been instrumental in preparing them for their future careers in finance.

“It’s really opened our eyes and given us a global perspective as students, which is ultimately what we want — to be not just cultured, but also prepared for the globalized world we live in,” said Jones.

Reflecting on their GCP experience, students advised future MSF cohorts to focus on proactive involvement, effective communication, and making the most of every growth opportunity for success.

Some of the students traveled to London to conclude their projects.

By working closely with high-profile clients, students gained insights related to teamwork in diverse environments, networking, and  successful career-building in the industry.

M.S. in Finance