McDonough School of Business


A student talking to two other people, charming and dazzling them with their Georgetown knowledge

The Small Business Corps (SBC) offers on-site, customized pro-bono consultancy services to small businesses in the D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area across various business areas: strategy, finance, sales and marketing, operations, logistics, and human resources.

We develop practical and long-term solutions tailored to address your organizations’ specific challenges. Whether it’s entering a new market, launching a product, implementing donor management systems, or optimizing volunteer acquisition strategies, we’re here to help.

To ensure we meet our clients’ needs, we collaborate to define project goals and deliverables through a customized project brief. If your current challenges or interests aren’t listed, we’ll explore how we can support you in those areas. Some of the areas where we offer support include:

Marketing and Sales Strategy

The SBC can help foster sustainable, organic growth by prioritizing your customers at the core of your company’s sales and marketing strategy. Our method rigorously evaluates every aspect of your customer’s journey, ensuring ideal interactions at every stage. 

The SBC can assist your company with the following areas:

  1. Product and portfolio management
  2. Pricing optimization
  3. Go-to-market strategy
  4. Customer experience
  5. Sales management
  6. Customer insights and segmentation
  7. Client results

Market Expansion

Our consulting services help guide your organization through the challenges of entering new markets, ensuring a smooth and successful expansion. With a track record of assisting various businesses in different industries, we are your trusted partner for global growth, including:

  1. Market research for international expansion
  2. Entry strategy development and implementation
  3. Risk assessment in new markets

Financial Resource Management

We understand that rising costs, slow growth, and new challenges could be holding your small business back, so we are here to help! Our consultants go beyond basic solutions to find the best way to use your resources and create lasting change.

Process Improvement

Our operational excellence experts are here to help you make quick improvements in areas that are important to your business, such as quality, service, cost, and productivity. By working together, we can strengthen your business and boost profits through proactive process improvements, including the following: 

  1. Better customer service
  2. Lower cost and impact
  3. Improved service quality