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41 Articles

In the News

‘Thriving In a Complex World’: Georgetown’s New Initiative & The Future Of Business Education

Business education must keep up with the rapidly evolving pace of the business landscape, and it must embrace the cutting edge of technology and the need — and desire — to…

November 10, 2021


Meet Paul Almeida: The Restless Dean Who Thrives on Innovation

Originally from Goa, India, Paul Almeida has lived and worked in locations around the world. But he has found his home at Georgetown University, where he has been the dean and…

July 15, 2021

In the News

Making Digital MBA Learning Add Up

Many schools say that in future, students might master asynchronous content (learning in their own time) online before coming to class for group debate and to put theory into…

February 7, 2021

In the News

In The Age Of Covid, Georgetown MBA Mentorship Program Takes Off

As Assistant Dean of the McDonough MBA Career Center Maureen Carpenter says, the new program has become a chance to foster community in a time of disconnection. “Our goal…

January 6, 2021

In the News

Reflections: Biz Leaders Look Back on Best, Worst Moments of 2020 — and What the Year Meant to Them

Paul Almeida, dean and William R. Berkley Chair and professor of strategy, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business: Best and worst moment: How our society is…

December 31, 2020

In the News

Deans From Top B-Schools Share 2021 Resolutions

In Georgetown, in the U.S. capital of Washington, D.C., McDonough School of Business Dean Paul Almeida says “the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion has become ever more…

December 31, 2020

In the News

How Can Business Schools Tackle Racial Inequality?

At Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, there are only three black professors. The proportion of black MiM students is five percent, but this year the school…

September 27, 2020

In the News

Coronavirus Forces Georgetown MBA Program to Start the Fall Fully Online

“I am proud of how our community has come together to care for one another, and I’m confident that our faculty, staff, and students will continue to keep the spirit of our…

July 29, 2020

In the News

The Time is Now

Paul Almeida, Dean and William R. Berkley Chair: "This is a troubling time in our country and in our hearts. Like many of you, in recent weeks, I have seen images and heard names…

June 5, 2020

In the News

How Remote Study is Changing Business School Life

“We do feel the students’ pain, the challenge they are facing, not just moving from face-to-face teaching to a virtual classroom but having to study from home and concerns…

March 25, 2020