General Information

What is the focus of your MBA Program?

Founded in 1983, the Georgetown McDonough MBA provides a global management degree aligned with Georgetown’s Jesuit heritage. Students learn the core components of an MBA through the lens of principled leadership, a global mindset, and service to business and society. Through learning and practicing rigorous business fundamentals, students gain the skills needed to lead in for profits, nonprofits, governmental organizations, and entrepreneurial ventures after graduation.

Are your programs accredited?

Georgetown University’s Full-time and Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online programs are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Does the McDonough MBA have STEM designation?

The Full-time and Flex MBA programs at Georgetown McDonough now offer a STEM-designated management science major to ensure students are prepared to lead in an era of rapidly evolving business practices. By completing 12 STEM-designated electives before graduation, students are prepared for jobs within the technology sector, as well as technology-focused jobs within all other industries and sectors. The management science major also will offer eligible international students the opportunity to apply for a STEM OPT extension of their work authorization in the United States. 

Where is Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business located?

Both our Full-time and Flex MBA Programs are located on Georgetown University’s main campus in the picturesque Rafik B. Hariri Building, which houses all aspects of the business school under one roof. The 179,000-square-foot Hariri Building opened to students in 2009 and features 15 classrooms, 34 breakout rooms, 15 conference rooms, 11 interview rooms, a 400-seat auditorium, two large student lounges, and 120 faculty offices. Student space is replete with data ports, flat-screen monitors, and videoconferencing capabilities, allowing for global connectivity. Did we mention we’re located in the nation’s capital?

Is the student body diverse?

Diversity and inclusion are pivotal to the Georgetown McDonough experience. The MBA Admissions team seeks to admit a class diverse in all dimensions — ethnicity, gender, ability, values and beliefs, sexual orientation, academics, personal interests and professional backgrounds, as well as diversity of thought.

How global is Georgetown’s MBA?

Global is in our DNA. We prepare students to be global ready. Students begin the Full-time and Flex MBA Programs with the Structure of Global Industries — a highly integrated course that introduces students to the issues and industries they will focus on during their Global Business Experience and sets the tone for the entire MBA curriculum. While most business schools offer some optional study abroad component, Georgetown pioneered the Global Business Experience — a required global consulting project where students partner with executives from multinational organizations to address complex business challenges. The project culminates with students traveling to present their solutions to executives in locations around the world. 4,500 students have participated in the GBE since 1995 visiting 26 cities, 17 countries, four continents, and completing over 750 projects.

How do Georgetown MBA students take advantage of being in Washington, D.C.?

Washington is the intersection between business, policy, and society, and the District of Columbia (D.C.) serves as an extension of the classroom. Students visit D.C.-based organizations, attend on-campus lectures from global leaders, and have access to many internships and jobs, ranging from local startups to international corporations to governmental and nonprofit groups.

In addition, the McDonough School of Business is home to 11 centers and initiatives conducting cutting-edge research on financial markets, business and public policy, real estate, consumer behavior, and many other areas. The centers and initiatives host events and create academic opportunities for students outside of the classroom, taking advantage of Georgetown’s Washington, D.C., location.

How does Georgetown incorporate service into its MBA programs?

At Georgetown, “men and women for others” and cura personalis – Latin for “education of the whole person” – describe the university’s educational philosophy. Service to others and community service are important components of the Full-time and Flex MBA Programs, embodied in parts of the curriculum and in co-curricular clubs and activities, from student involvement in the Month of Volunteerism to support of the Nonprofit Internship Fund to running a nationally recognized Net Impact Club.

How can I optimize my MBA ROI?

The ROI (return on investment) for your MBA will be a factor of the quality of the education you receive and how well it prepares you for a better – and better-paying – job upon graduation and throughout your earning years. At Georgetown McDonough, students transform their career potential through their studies, involvement in campus organizations, and by expanding their personal and professional network to include classmates and Georgetown University alumni around the world. The MBA Career Center also offers a variety of programs and services to help student maximize their ROI. Visit this GMAC Resource for more information about MBA ROI.

Can I begin the Full-time or Flex MBA, or Flex MBA Online Program in January?

The Georgetown McDonough MBA programs offer fall admission only.

How long is an MBA program?

The duration of the Georgetown McDonough MBA program varies based on the enrollment format. The Full-time MBA program spans 21 months, equivalent to approximately 2 years. The Flex MBA program, designed as a part-time MBA, offers completion within 26-60 months, or approximately 2.5 to 5 years. The Flex Online MBA program, an alternative online part-time option, allows completion within 24-60 months, or around 2 to 5 years.

Application Process

What are the required admissions materials?

Please review our application instructions for a comprehensive list of the required application components.

What is the application fee?

The application fee is $175 and is non-refundable. See if you qualify for an application fee waiver or reduction.

When are the application deadlines?

Check out our current application deadlines.

Are there minimum requirements to apply to the MBA program?

To apply to the MBA programs, an applicant must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university OR an equivalent degree from a foreign country* prior to the first day of MBA classes (August of each year). Otherwise, there are no minimum requirements (e.g. test score minimum, bachelor’s GPA minimum) to the general application process for the MBA programs: Full-time, Flex, and Flex Online. The Admissions Committee reviews each applicant holistically and takes into account both quantitative and qualitative indicators. We encourage you to review our class profiles for our Full-time MBA and Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online programs to see how you compare to students who performed within our average and mid-80% range.

*If you earned a 3-year bachelor’s degree from India and your college/university’s NAAC grade is ‘A’ or above, your degree is deemed as equivalent to a four-year bachelor’s degree, hence you meet this minimum requirement and are eligible to apply.

Are interviews required for admission?

Yes, interviews are required for admission to the Full-time, Flex MBA, and Flex MBA Online programs and are conducted by invitation only.

How many years of work experience do most students have before beginning their MBA? Is work experience required?

Our MBA students typically work full-time for an average of five years before beginning their MBA program. We strongly recommend that candidates for admission have a minimum of two years of full-time, postgraduate work experience as we typically do not admit students directly from undergraduate programs.

Is there a field or type of work experience that is more favorable than others?

There is no one career track that ensures admission to our MBA programs. In fact, one of the strengths of the Georgetown MBA is the diversity of professional experiences that our students bring.

I have limited international work experience. Am I at a disadvantage when applying?

International experience is not a requirement for admission to our programs. Successful candidates will have a strong global perspective and/or international experience. In fact 73% of our incoming fall 2018 Full-time class and 71% of our Flex Program class had lived, worked, or studied abroad before entering the MBA program.

How do I apply to a dual-degree program?

Full-time MBA applicants have the opportunity to pursue one of our dual degree offerings. If you are considering a dual degree, you must apply to each program separately and should follow the deadlines and application process for each program. Please note that admissions decisions for each program are made independently of one another.

I am a re-applicant. How will that affect my new application?

We welcome applicants with a passion for Georgetown and strongly encourage applicants who applied in the previous year to highlight the changes in your application. Email the Admissions Office at with the subject “Application Reset Request” to reset your account.

I am undecided if I want to pursue the Full-time MBA, Flex MBA, or Flex MBA Online program. Can I apply to two of these programs? Can I apply to all three of these programs?

Yes and yes. Applicants may apply to the Full-time MBA, Flex MBA, and/or Flex MBA Online programs. You will need to submit separate applications with separate email addresses for each program by the application deadline of the round you wish to apply in.

To complete the recommendation requirement of my application, my recommender would like to submit the Common Letter of Recommendation (LOR) or a recommendation letter, rather than the recommendation form provided. Is this possible?

Your recommender is welcome to attach a LOR to the bottom of the recommendation form provided to them. However, to complete the recommendation requirement of your application, your recommender must complete all required fields and submit this form. For their convenience, if their LOR answers questions that require text, they may simply enter, “See attachment.”

Early Action

If I am an applicant through The Consortium, am I not eligible for the Dean’s Fellowship considered during Early Action?

The Dean’s Fellowship is a scholarship considered for Full-time MBA applicants who want to signal that Georgetown is their first choice by applying during Early Action. Therefore, Full-time MBA candidates wanting Dean’s Fellowship cohort consideration who are also ready to make a binding commitment to Georgetown, if admitted, should apply during the Early Action round. From there, any candidate who wants to be referred back to The Consortium for membership consideration can do so. If Consortium membership is approved, then those candidates will be considered for additional Consortium scholarship funding.

Can I be considered for other scholarships or fellowships in the Early Action period? (Like Forte, National Black, ROMBA, etc.)

Yes. Early Action admitted candidates are considered for the full range of scholarship and fellowship offerings (Full-time Scholarships and Flex Scholarships). In addition to all standard awards, Full-time MBA admits in Early Action will also be considered for the prestigious Dean’s Fellowship award.

What will happen to my application if I am waitlisted in the Early Action round?

If a candidate receives a Waitlist decision in the Early Action period, then they will be issued an updated decision (of Waitlist, Admit, or Deny) on the Round 1 decision notification date. Therefore, you will not be eligible for the Dean’s Fellowship award but will be eligible for standard scholarship offerings, upon admission in a future round.

What if I want to apply early in the cycle, in Early Action, but am not comfortable with a binding decision?

The Early Action round is for those who want to signal that Georgetown is their first choice and are ready to make a binding commitment to Georgetown’s MBA program. This includes making a binding agreement to, if offered Early Action admission, attend Georgetown and to withdraw competing applications as well as not submit any new applications. If a candidate is not prepared to make a binding agreement to Georgetown, if admitted during Early Action, then we recommend applying in a different admission round.

Full-time Test Waiver Policy

Will it hurt my chance of admission if I do not take the test?

Your admissions strategy should be to maximize your probability of success. For many, the standardized test can increase your chances. If you didn’t do as well as you would have liked as an undergraduate or you weren’t required to take many rigorous quant classes, a standardized test can prove your quantitative skills to offset the weaker academic side of your application.

However, for some people, the test may not increase or add value to your probability of success. Some people don’t feel standardized testing accurately represents academic ability; so while you did extremely well in academics at a rigorous institution, the testing environment is not your strength. For others, you may work in a profession that requires rigorous and highly quantitative skills on a daily basis (i.e accountant or statistician, among others) so the skills you’re using are more advanced than the test would prove. Finally, some of you have trudged through the rigorous CPA or CFA exams (or equivalent) and passed. So, for that, we applaud you and you may not need to submit a test.

I do not meet the criteria you suggested on the website, should I submit a test?

Whether or not your application is competitive for admission is determined by the competitiveness of the other applicants. The profile of applicants’ competitiveness varies from round to round and year to year. If you have doubts about whether your application does not meet the suggested criteria listed, you should consider taking a test.

Who is most competitive for a test waiver? 

Applicants who meet several of the listed criteria will be most competitive for a waiver. However, the number of criteria you qualify for does not, by itself, determine that you will be granted a waiver.

My application is average or below average as compared to your class profile. Should I take the test?

If your application components are average or below average and you believe a standardized test could strengthen your application, then you may want to consider taking it.

Before I submit a waiver application, can you tell me if I would qualify?

We cannot pre-assess the likelihood of being approved for a test waiver. Instead, we offer the criteria we use for consideration. The test waiver application provides us the data and details to make a holistic review of your quantitative preparedness.

If I am granted a test waiver, does this mean I’m likely to be admitted?

A test waiver is not a guarantee of admission, just acknowledgement of your quantitative experience. While you are not required to submit the test, you certainly can choose to do so if you believe it will help your chance of admission.

How will I be evaluated for scholarships without a test score, and will it hurt my chances of receiving a scholarship to not submit a test?

Scholarships are used to build a competitive and diverse class. A standardized test score is one component of your application. A strong standardized test score can improve the likelihood of receiving a scholarship, but is not the only criteria. Scholarships are limited and competitive. So, it all depends on how your application compares to the rest of the applicant pool.

Do employers ask for a standardized test?

In some industries, like finance and consulting, some companies may look at your standardized test scores in the hiring and recruitment process as they seek the best talent. This is not always the case, but something you should further research and consider if you intend to go into those industries.

What could the admissions committee request if we feel we need additional proof of quant abilities?

We could ask you to submit a standardized test (GMAT, GRE, or EA) to demonstrate your quantitative ability. Furthermore, we reserve the right to request specific next steps to help demonstrate your quantitative ability. This could include showing successful completion (B or better) in a graded quantitative course (i.e. stats, calculus, accounting, or finance) or completion of a rigorous quantitative certificate program.

What would happen with my application if you ask for more proof of my quantitative abilities?

If we need additional proof, then you will need to submit the requirements we have asked for in order for your application to be considered complete.

Is the Full-time MBA test waiver a part of the application or separate?

For those applying to the Full-time MBA program, there is a separate application for a test waiver. Once you apply, you will be notified if you are awarded a waiver and then you may proceed with submitting your application.

If I have already taken the test, but I am not happy with my score, can I apply for a waiver?

If you have valid GMAT, GRE or Executive Assessment scores, you are not eligible for a test waiver and you must submit those scores with your MBA application. Valid scores are no more than five years old from the time of submitting your MBA application.

What is the review timeline for the test waiver application?

Once you submit your Test Waiver Application, you can expect a 1-2 week turnaround for decisions. Please view the policy page for additional details and dates.

I am a Consortium applicant. Which round should I apply through The Consortium if I want to apply for a test waiver?

Consortium applicants who wish to apply in Round 1 must submit a test waiver application by September 11th. Once you submit your Test Waiver Application, you can expect a 1-2 week turnaround for decisions. . You will be notified of your test waiver decision prior to The Consortium’s Round 1 application deadline, October 15. In addition, Consortium candidates can apply for The Consortium’s Round 2 application deadline. A Round 2 Test Waiver Application deadline will be announced after the Round 1 deadline has passed.

I am a MAAP applicant. Am I eligible to apply for a standardized test waiver?

At this time, only those applying through the main application process with the required years of work experience are eligible to apply for a standardized test waiver.

What are considered rigorous quantitative classes?

It depends on the university and course description. Typically, intro to mathematics or personal finance courses are not considered rigorous enough. In most cases, intro to micro and macro economics are also not considered rigorous.

Is this test waiver in effect indefinitely?

We will be implementing this policy for the incoming Fall 2024 class and will evaluate this policy for the Fall 2025 class by August 2024.

Submitting Academic Documentation

How do I submit my official transcripts and degree certificate?

While Applying: Unofficial copies of each application document (test scores, transcripts and diploma/degree certificates) should be uploaded directly into your online application at the time of submission. Any application submitted without these documents will be considered incomplete.

After Admittance: Should you be admitted, you will receive a conditional offer and will be required to contact the awarding institutions and have them submit original/official copies of each application document (test scores, transcripts, degree certificates) to the Admissions Office via mail or email. A document is only considered “official” if it is sent directly from the institution.

What should I do if my institution issues only one academic document?

If your institution issues only one original document, upload a copy of this document into your online application. Upon admission to the program, inform us of your situation by emailing the Admissions Office at You will be required to bring these original documents to the MBA Admissions Office for verification during orientation week.

If my transcripts or academic documents have to be translated, how should these be submitted?

If your original documents are not in English and require translation, you must upload both the certified translation as well as the original documentation to the online application. Once admitted and prior to matriculating into the program, the MBA Admissions office requires both the original documentation and certified translation to be delivered in a signed and sealed envelope by the translation service provider. Your translator should certify that the original documentation was received in a sealed envelope from the institution. Do not submit a translation only.

I have had a variety of academic work. Which transcripts should I submit?

Transcripts are required for any coursework you have completed regardless of whether it was part of a degree-granting program. Unofficial copies of the transcript are required at the time of submitting the application. Official copies of transcripts will be required from applicants once they are admitted and prior to matriculating into the program.

After You Submit

How can I see the status of my application?

You may check the status of your application by logging onto your online application. After logging on, click the “Application Status” button on the left side of the screen. This will open your Application Status form, which includes the status of your application, status of important application documents, and reminders.

I applied through The Consortium – how do I check my decision letter?

Your decision letter is located in your Georgetown-specific application, which was created for you upon applying to the program. Your username is the same email address that you used to apply through The Consortium. Prior to your decision letter becoming available to you, you will receive an email from our office with instructions on how to set your password.

Do you release admissions decisions prior to the set Decision Notification dates?

We do not release admissions decisions prior to the decision notification date of each round. On the decision notification date of the round an applicant applies in, an applicant can expect their decision letter to be available in their application portal no later than close of business (Eastern Time) that day.

How many applicants are on the waitlist? Is the waitlist ranked?

The Admissions Committee does not have a set number of applicants on the waitlist at any given time, and the number of applicants on the waitlist varies throughout the year. The waitlist is not ranked. We admit students from the waitlist through mid-summer.

Do you offer application feedback to candidates who have been waitlisted or denied admission?

Unfortunately, due to our high volume of applications, we are unable to provide individualized feedback. We suggest that you review your application with an objective eye, referencing the previous year’s class profile, to ascertain areas in which you might strengthen your application should you wish to re-apply.

External Coursework and Prior Study

While in the program, can I take a class outside of Georgetown University and have it count toward my MBA credit requirements?

MBA students are eligible to take courses at universities that are members of the Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area with current AACSB accreditation. This includes: American University, The George Washington University, George Mason University, Howard University, and the University of Maryland College Park. All courses must be graduate level, must be related to and enhance the MBA curriculum, must not already be offered at Georgetown, and must be approved by the MBA Program. Students may take up to 15 credit hours outside of the MBA Program.

Does Georgetown waive or remove requirements based upon prior study?

Waivers are not granted based on prior study. However, waivers may be granted through successful completion of an exam for the following core courses: Accounting Fundamentals, Corporate Financial Reporting, Financial Markets and Corporate Decision-Making, and Managerial Statistics. Waiver exams are held during orientation and are administered by the MBA Program Office.

Does Georgetown consider transfer credit?

Courses completed within the last seven years for a minimum “B” grade or equivalent, are considered. Courses applied toward a previous degree cannot be approved for transfer. A McDonough waiver exam must be passed for transfer credit to be approved for core courses. Requests will be reviewed for Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online students after admission to McDonough is granted; Full-time MBA students’ requests will be reviewed after being admitted and submitting a deposit.

International Students

How do I secure a student visa for study in the United States?

Georgetown McDonough sponsors visas for students studying in our Full-time MBA and Flex MBA Online programs*. The Office of Global Services (OGS) is your resource for all student visa issues and questions. They will help you navigate the I-20 process. Once an I-20 is issued, you must arrange a U.S. visa interview with your nearest U.S. Embassy or consulate.

*As of December 2023, Georgetown McDonough will sponsor F-1 visas for students studying in the Flex MBA Online program. This program sponsors short-term F-1 visas only for the in-person residency when students are required to come to the Washington, D.C. campus for classes. Work is not allowed.

I require a student visa. When can I start the I-20 process?

The Office of Global Services (OGS) will assist you with the I-20 process only if you have been admitted, and have submitted your required deposit, to the Full-time MBA or Flex MBA Online programs (i.e. incoming student)*. Incoming students will receive communications from OGS about initiating the I-20 process. Historically, incoming students are able to start the I-20 process as early as March of their matriculation year. If your required deposit is submitted after this time, you will be able to begin the I-20 process with OGS 1-2 weeks after submitting your required deposit.

*As of December 2023, Georgetown McDonough will sponsor F-1 visas for students studying in the Flex MBA Online program. This program sponsors short-term F-1 visas only for the in-person residency when students are required to come to the Washington, D.C. campus for classes. Work is not allowed.

Can international students apply to the Flex MBA Online program?

Please note that the Flex MBA Online (FXO) program is strictly for students who reside in time zones that are +/- 3 hours of Eastern Time. This program sponsors F-1 visas only for the in-person residencies when students are required to come to the Washington, D.C. campus for classes. F-1 visa holders must not engage in employment while physically present in the United States and must depart the United States at the end of each residency. FXO class times are set to be held on weekdays between 6:30-9:20 pm ET (except for required in-person residencies on our Washington, D.C. campus and the Global Business Experience). If you are admitted to and enroll in FXO, you are expected to attend classes online between these times from any time zone this is +/-3 hours of Eastern Time.

As of December 2023, Georgetown McDonough will sponsor F-1 visas for students studying in the Flex MBA Online program. This program sponsors short-term F-1 visas only for the in-person residency when students are required to come to the Washington, D.C. campus for classes. Work is not allowed.

As an FXO student who entered the United States using an I-20 from Georgetown University, will I have authorization to work/intern in the United States (i.e. Curricular or Optional Practical Training)?

No. Students in the FXO Program do not qualify for curricular or optional practical training.

If I am currently working in the United States or come to the United States occasionally for work and enter with an I-20 supplied by Georgetown can I work for my business if they have a branch in the United States?

No. Students must pause any employment activities while in the United States if they enter the country using a Georgetown University I-20 regardless of the employer’s location.

Is an English competency examination required?

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or Pearson Test of English (PTE) is required of all non-U.S. citizen and non-U.S. permanent resident applicants unless they have obtained a bachelor’s degree or advanced degree from an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or from an institution where English is the primary language of instruction.

Is there a minimum score for the TOEFL, IELTS, or Pearson Test of English?

Does Georgetown McDonough admit students who are undocumented?

Georgetown McDonough welcomes and supports students of all backgrounds without regard to their immigration status. We welcome all interested individuals to apply and we do not require students to provide proof of citizenship.

How is Georgetown University supporting undocumented students?

Georgetown University is committed to supporting undocumented students and the unique challenges they may face. Georgetown recently appointed our first full-time associate director, Arelis Palacios, for undocumented student services. In addition, Georgetown has a working group of faculty, staff, and students who meet regularly to focus on supporting undocumented students. Georgetown has contracted with Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services to offer free legal advice to students interested in renewing DACA. 

President DeGioia will continue to support and advocate for federal efforts in support of the DACA initiative, the Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy (BRIDGE) Act, and the DREAM Act, federal legislation that would lead to a permanent path to legal permanent residency for undocumented students. 

Georgetown created a website devoted to providing information about resources and guidance to undocumented students and prospective students.

Costs and Financial Aid

What is the cost of the Georgetown MBA Program?

Current costs for the Full-time and Flex MBA Programs can be found on our website. 

What kind of financial aid does Georgetown offer?

All MBA students are eligible for scholarships. Scholarships are awarded at the time of admission and are based on a holistic review process with the goal of admitting a competitive, diverse class. Federal financial aid (in the form of loans) is available to all eligible U.S. citizens and permanent residents studying in the Full-time MBA, Flex MBA, and Flex MBA Online programs. The Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS) is your resource for all financial aid related questions.

As an international applicant, am I eligible for financial aid?

While international students are not eligible for federal loan money from the United States government, you are certainly eligible for scholarships through Georgetown McDonough. Additionally, we are pleased to present you with a list of external scholarships and private lenders who provide education loans specifically to international students, post admittance.

Do my student loans cover my living expenses?

Yes, indirect expenses such as living expenses are considered part of your Georgetown University student budget. A student can borrow student loans up to the budget amount.

What kinds of scholarships does Georgetown offer?

Full-time and Flex MBA scholarships are awarded based on a holistic review process with the goal of admitting a competitive, diverse class. Every applicant who is offered admission to the program is considered for a scholarship award. No additional application materials are necessary. Priority consideration for scholarships is given to applicants who apply in Rounds One and Two.

Do you offer graduate assistantship opportunities?

Yes, MBA students serve as graduate research and teaching assistants within the School of Business. These opportunities are posted at the beginning of the academic year, and stipends range from $1,100 to $2,200 per semester for approximately five to ten hours of work per week. Students may not work more than 20 hours per week. Positions are announced and applications are considered during orientation at the start of the program.

Student Life

How does the McDonough Career Center support me during the MBA Program?

The McDonough Career Center begins working with students even before they arrive on campus with the Summer Webinar Series, which is designed to prepare you for the internship search. Upon arrival, current students have access to industry aligned Career Coaches who offer career counseling and support. All students take a Job Search Course and can participate in on-campus interviews, employer information sessions, career treks, career fairs, and much more.

Do I have access to the McDonough Career Center’s services as a Flex MBA or Flex MBA Online student?

Flex MBA or Flex MBA Online students have access to Career Center coaching during the entire MBA program. You will participate in the formal MBA recruiting process during your final year of MBA study.

How active are student clubs?

There are more than 40 student-run organizations at the McDonough School of Business. The focus of these organizations are professional and recreational. Most students get involved in several clubs and take leadership positions in one or two clubs while completing their MBA. View a full list of our student organizations.

Are there opportunities to study abroad?

Georgetown McDonough offers full semester study abroad opportunities at Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, HEC Paris in Paris, France, IAE Business School in Buenos Aires, Argentina, London Business School in London, England, and Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Additionally, all Full-time MBA, Flex MBA, and Flex MBA Online students are required to complete an international consulting project abroad as part of the Global Business Experience course.