Accounting and Business Law

In today’s data-driven world, accounting information significantly influences decisions made by management teams and the behavior of investors, creditors, policymakers, consumers, supply chain partners, and employees. Our courses help students understand the best ways to measure and communicate an organization’s financial and non-financial activities.

The Accounting and Business Law faculty is a diverse group that helps Undergraduate, Graduate, and Executive students develop the skills they need to excel in today’s data-driven business environment. Our curriculum combines foundational accounting and financial analysis skills with leading-edge business analytics skills and soft skills such as leadership and critical thinking. Our students frequently accept positions in financial services (banking, hedge funds, private equity), startups and large corporations (roles in marketing, operations, corporate finance, business development), consulting, public accounting, and not-for-profit. Our students also pursue roles in government agencies as policymakers focusing on capital market regulation. As financial and non-financial information is pervasive in data-driven organizations, accounting knowledge is critical in many data analytics applications.

Our academic research seeks to inform real-world decisions and enhance the student learning experience. We take a multidisciplinary approach integrating economics and finance with broader perspectives on fundamental organizational practices, the global business environment, and public policy trends to meet these needs.

Accounting and Business Law Faculty

Kirsten Anderson

Teaching Professor

William Baber

Emeritus Professor

Ross Cooper

Professor of the Practice

James Dalkin

Adjunct Lecturer – MSB

Aishwarrya Deore

Assistant Professor

Patricia Fairfield

Emeritus Faculty

Gilles Hilary

George R. Houston Endowed Professor

Karen Kitching

Teaching Professor

Allison Koester

Associate Professor

April Nguyen

Assistant Teaching Professor

Seyoung Park

Assistant Professor

Reining Petacchi

Dottie and Tim Hobin Associate Professor

Catherine Potter

Adjunct Faculty

Mark Rouchard

Adjunct Faculty

Jason Schloetzer

Associate Professor and Accounting Area Chair
Faculty Director for the McDonough Senior Honors Thesis Program

Nina Simon

Adjunct Faculty

James P. Sinclair

Adjunct Professor

Wei Tang

Associate Professor

Xiaoli Tian

Associate Professor

Andrew Ting


Yifang Xie

Assistant Professor

Viktoriya Zotova

Adjunct Faculty

Recent Research

Rachel Hayes, Xiaoli (Shaolee) Tian, and Xue Wang. Deregulation and Board Policies: Evidence from Performance and Risk Exposure Measures Used in Bank CEO Turnover Decisions. Forthcoming in The Accounting Review.

Rui Guo and  Xiaoli (Shaolee) Tian. Regulatory Transparency and Regulators’ Effort: Evidence from Public Release of the SEC’s Review Work. (2023) Forthcoming in Journal of Accounting Research.

William R. Baber, Amanda Beck, and Allison Koester. The Municipal Debt Market: Evidence from GASB 34. The Accounting Review (2024). Forthcoming in

Xiuping Wu, Qingquan Zhang, Ben McMillan, and Vicky Wei Tang. DeFi Tokenomics: A Comprehensive Framework for Explaining and Forecasting Values in Decentralized Finance. Forthcoming in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.

Aishwarrya Deore, Susanna Gallani, and Ranjani Krishnan. The Effect of Systems of Management Controls on Honesty in Managerial Reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society (2023) 105: 101401

Daniel Aobdia, and Reining Petacchi. The Effect of Audit Firm Internal Inspections on Auditor Effort and Financial Reporting Quality. (2023) The Accounting Review, 98(5), 1-29.

Jason D. Schloetzer and Kyoko Yoshinaga. Algorithmic Hiring Systems: Implications and Recommendations for Organisations and Policymakers. Forthcoming in: Law and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence, Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions. Springer, Cham. (2023).

Gilles Hilary. Blockchain and Other Distributed Ledger Technologies, An Advanced Primer. In Innovative Technology at the Interface of Finance and Operations (V. Babich, J. Birge and G.Hilary (eds). Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, vol 11, Springer Cham. (2022).

Gary Chen, Xiaoli (Shaolee) Tian, and Miaomiao Yu. Redact to Protect? Customers’ Incentive to Protect Information and Suppliers’ Disclosure Strategies. Journal of Accounting and Economics (2022) 74(1):101490.

Matthew Cronin, David H. Erkens, Jason D. Schloetzer, and Catherine H. Tinsley. How Controlling Failure Perceptions Affects Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment. The Accounting Review (2021) 96 (2): 205–230.

News from Accounting and Business Law

More Accounting and Business Law Faculty News
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In the News

Disney in Search of Perhaps its Greatest Sequel, a Successor to Bob Iger

Given the complex and unique nature of Disney, many expect the next leader of the company to come from within. “Internal candidates make sense when a company doesn’t need a major shakeup and when the bench of potential candidates is deep,” Jason Schloetzer, associate professor at Georgetown McDonough School of Business, said.

March 20, 2025

associated press

In the News

Five Challenges Awaiting Amazon’s New CEO

Tensions can arise when a CEO moves to the board and still has a hand in the business, said Jason Schloetzer, a business professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. The new CEO may want to end some of Bezos’ initiatives that Bezos doesn’t agree with. Or other executives may keep reporting to Bezos, leaving Jassy out of the loop.

February 24, 2025

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In the News

How to Fight for Your Job In a ‘Hunger Games’ Scenario Like at HSBC

If staffers perceive that their interviews are just for show, that could impact morale even among those who emerge with jobs intact, according to Jason Schloetzer, an associate professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. “The danger is the stars they want to retain may find this process off-putting enough to consider leaving,” he said. “What’s the morale of the rehired employees if you put them through a process that is only for show?”

November 27, 2024